Mission statement
Create a safe and supportive community, in which its individual students will succeed academically, socially and emotionally.
School Supply List 24-25

School Supply list for 2024-25
a month ago
Respect Yourself
- Care for personal property
- Use your passing time wisely
Respect Others
- Safe hands and feet
- Allow for personal space
- Follow all staff directions the first time
Respect our School
- Use indoor voice
- Walk on the right side of the hallway
- Care for school property
- Clean up after yourself
Respect Yourself
- Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself
- Follow game rules
Respect Others
- Follow directions the first time they are given
- Use respectful words to peers and staff
Respect our School
- Stay within playground boundaries
- Coats only outside
Respect Yourself
- Wash hands with soap and dry them off
- Use the closest bathroom possible
Respect Others
- Give others privacy
- Clean up your mess so others don't have to
Respect our School
- Report damages and accidents
- Leave restroom clean